Tuesday, February 10, 2015

brainstorming for essay thing

I've got quite a few strong feelings towards and against many, many things. Luckily, our next essay is based on what we can argue for and against.

Firstly, I think that we need to dump funding back into NASA as quickly as we've pulled it out. Everything that's relevant to todays society in terms of technology probably had its grounds in the NASA program, ranging from personal computers, to cars, to cell phones, to hydrophobic materials, to things as basic as steel.

Second, I think we need to start cutting the budget for the American armed forces. While it's great that we've got enough aircraft carriers and submarines and tanks and troops to conquer a country in our navy alone, is it really necessary to pump out millions and millions worth of JDAMs and Hellfire missiles to fight wars against individuals in countries across the globe? Even if we were to slash budgets for the military, we'd still have a large enough force to stomp holes in whoever opposed us, save for the superpowers of the world, most of which we are allied with.

Thirdly, I could write about the lack of care for your average 20 something year old in the US society. We've got hundreds of things stacked against us in this day and age, that it makes it ridiculously difficult to get anywhere with any sort of speed. This is compounded by the fact the older portions of America cram down our throats how much more difficult they had it, and putting in place things that seem easy for them, having made the gauntlet, but in reality make our lives hell. I feel I could write for hours on that, but I might get a little bit too biased and go on tangents, which doesn't really help in terms of credibility.

Fourth, I could write about how teachers need a bone thrown to them in this day and age. Similar to the young adults in America, they've been downtrodden by all sorts of red tape and such throughout the last 10-20 years. They make what could widely be considered slave wages, for grueling jobs that require them to hit all the wickets instead of being passionate about what they signed up for. They have to specialize, yet remain general since it's no actual guarantee they get the job they wanted. They have to try to control more than 30 kids at a time, and by extension can't go out of their way for individuals. This leads to rapid burnout, which with the concepts of Tenure and Unions and the like, makes it impossible to bring in new teachers for these subjects. Like said by many before, this school system needs a revamp.

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