Thursday, February 5, 2015

What do I feel strongly about

I feel strongly about a lot of things, and most of which seem trivial to the average person. Mostly stuff about videogames, like the corruption present in reviewers, big name publishers singlehandedly flushing the game industry down the toilet, etc. I don't really like discussing big topics like racism and the like, since 9 times out of ten it transforms into me talking to a brick wall calling me a bigot and a racist.

I'll just ramble about that then. Racism is a very, very ugly thing that's got a lot of forces behind it. Today we try to say we aren't racist, and I'm sure anyone reading this will agree. After all, that's part of being a decent human being. But, (again, as much as I hate to say it,) the media is a special kind of racist, that's trained us all to react in knee jerk fashion at the slightest mention of skin color. Mexicans jumping the border, blacks shooting each other, white people running the country, the list goes on. It garners interest because of how blatant it is. But, it's not your standard type of racist, like I said before. It's a freaky form of reverse racism. It's constantly telling us to feel sorry for 'X' race, to hate 'Y' race because they are always stealing and shooting, etc.

I'll even use a real life case, because it paints the most vivid picture of what I'm describing. Remember the Micheal Brown case? The one sparking the Ferguson riots? It's the most blatant display of reverse racism I think I've ever seen the media get away with. 30 minutes after it happened it was "Man shot to death". An hour it was "Black man shot to death." 5 hours later it was "Black teen shot to death by police." 15 hours later it was "Young unarmed black teen shot to death by white police officer." In reality, the 6'4" 280lb 19 year old grabbed for the cops gun after punching him in the face, then after backing off, charged him while reaching under his shirt, despite the cop telling him to stop before he had to exercise deadly force. The cop had originally showed up to stop a robbery, which Brown had committed. The media villainized the cop, turned Brown into a civil rights martyr, and blew it so far out of proportion that there was no sense being used about it whatsoever.

The way this could have been fixed, is if you were to omit any mention of race whatsoever. "Man shot to death by police" is much less inflammatory than "Young unarmed black teen shot to death by white police officer." Especially if it mentions said man had already committed a crime, and charged the cop. Double especially if it mentions how the surrounding area is plagues by gang violence and is heavily anti-police.

Anyways, my ramble comes down to this. Todays issue on racism isn't hating blacks, whites, Mexicans, Jews, etc., it's old people choosing what other people need to get offended about, and the media blowing any case out of proportion. The media involvement then turns into people getting pissed at the wrong parties. In the above case, they shouldn't have been angry at the officer. They should have been angry at the Police department for not issuing the officer a tazer, for having backup near, for example.

Finally finishing this up, I feel that race is an issue due to the jacked-up backwards racism being flaunted by the media, which is responsible for the hysteria surrounding it.

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